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About us


First Presbyterian La Follette is a diverse community of people who put Christ at the center of their lives and come together to learn the Bible and worship as one. We end every church service by saying, "Let us go in peace to love and serve the Lord," and we really mean it. We take Christ to the surrounding community through extensive mission service. We feel the suffering of many around us, and we want to do all that we can to make people's lives better. We believe that there is no real faith without Christian action.


We would like to personally invite you to come join us for our services. The atmosphere is friendly. You will be greeted warmly, probably by several people. The teachings are straight from the Old and New Testament and are relevant to your daily life. Our services are liturgical. This means that we follow a set order of worship established more than a thousand years ago which includes responsive readings, group prayers, and hymn singing. Everything we do is written in our bulletin, so you can follow along easily. Our music is diverse, and our choir is outstanding. We sing both ancient and modern hymns, and there is a lot of music in our church. We serve communion at least monthly, and all in the family of Christ--whatever your denomination--are invited to join in. We don't care how you are dressed, and most people come business casual.


If you haven't been to church in a long time, we welcome you. Our Pastor and Elders will be happy to meet with you and answer your questions about the Christian faith and about our church. If you are new to the community and looking for a new place to worship, we welcome you, and we are sure that you will find our church a place where you can truly worship. If you have lived here a long time and have always wondered about that church on the hill, stop by and check us out. Chances are you will see old friends and make new ones.

Learn some more about us at Beliefs, and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. You're going to love it at First Presbyterian La Follette!

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